Good morning Western Brown!!!
Today is:
Hunter Hamblen & Autumn Lindsey
Follow @WBHS_Principal (Instagram) @wbhsathletics---@thebronconation (X and Instagram) for important information, announcements, themes for events, student achievements, etc.
FCCLA: The week of Feb 10-14 is FCCLA/Kindness Week. We will be doing FCCLA activities and scavenger hunts throughout the week so stay tuned! We challenge the entire building including students and all staff members to participate in carrying out random acts of kindness all week.
Spirit Days are the following:
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Broncos Day
Wednesday: Be Kind & Positive (Wear a positive tee)
Thursday: Celebrate Love (Red & Pink)
Friday: No School
MOCK TRIAL: Congratulations to the Mock Trial team for completing a successful season on Friday.
Individually, Congratulations to Aleeya Valle who was named Outstanding Witness and Lily Dean who was once again named Outstanding Attorney!
STUDENT COUNCIL: We are hosting a prom attire drive now through March 6th. If you have any prom items you are willing to donate, please drop them off in the main office.
Student Council will be hosting a free Prom and Graduation shopping experience for guys and girls on March 7th. Signups for shopping will be posted soon!
CHOIR FUNDRAISER: The Western Brown Choirs are doing a coin drive fundraiser to help raise money for our trip to New York City in March! If you've got extra coins collecting dust please consider donating them to help support this amazing opportunity! Every coin makes a difference! There will be collection containers in the main office and in room 191 (Choir Room) through the end of February!
SENIORS: Class of 2025 scholarships are now available on the school website. Check the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for a QR code or look for posters around the school.
CINCINNATI STATE: College rep will be available to speak to grad ready Juniors & Seniors in the Learning Commons TODAY during 4th period.
PROM COMMITTEE: Prom Committee will meet Thursday after school.
SPANISH CLUB: ¡Hola! Have you sold any pies? Have you bought any pies? Do you know someone who would like to help support our Club by purchasing a pie? Would you parents like to take an order form to work with them? Have you talked with teachers and administrators? Are you going to be one of our top 3 pie sellers??? If you need anything, or have any questions, just let us know! Orders MUST BE IN BY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12. Our pies will be delivered on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5. PIES ARE $15.00 EACH.