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Child Nutrition Services

high school
middle school
mt. orab elementary
hamersville elementary

Free/Reduced Price Meal Application Info

2024-25 Meal Prices

Breakfast Price K-12 -- $0.50
Lunch Price K-8 -- $2.75
Lunch Price 9-12 -- $3.25
Reduced Price Breakfast -- $0.00 - the state of Ohio will be covering these charges this year
Reduced Price Lunch -- $0.00 - the state of Ohio will be covering these charges this year

Click on the following link for Free and Reduced Price Meal Application. 

Monthly Menus

Monthly Breakfast and Lunch menus will be available on the website.  Menus will also be posted in various locations at each building and in all cafeterias.  We are glad that we can save paper and make it easier to answer "What's for lunch today?".

The last day to charge for the 2024-25 school year will be Friday, May 2, 2025!

Western Brown Alternative Meal Procedure

A couple of questions asked frequently by parents/guardians are..."What happens if my child forgets their lunch?" or "What happens if my child forgets their lunch money?".  Please click here to find out more about this common issue. 
Funds can be added to your child(ren)'s lunch account by sending a check or cash to school with your student(s) or they can be added electronically by setting up an account at  

Important Child Nutrition Documents

Below are some important Child Nutrition back to school documents.

Food For Thought

Our cafeterias are designed to feed a lot of hungry children in a very effective yet friendly way.

Together our vision is to be recognized as the leader in school nutrition by pioneering innovative methods linking to lifelong learning.

Our hope is to help students and staff be healthy and happy! Please watch for articles that will promote healthy eating at home, work, and school.

Take advantage of Summer Nutrition!

  1. Click here to take advantage of all that summer has to offer you in nutrition!

Let's Be Well

Embedded Image for: Let's Be Well (2014321142244534_image.jpg)
Western Brown strives to provide balanced nutritious meals for our students and offer opportunities to participate in activities that help them stay healthy and fit. If you'd like to view our Wellness Policy, please click on the link below.

Community Connectors

WB encourages our parents and community to give us input on our programs such as Child Nutrition Services. We want to make sure you are aware that you can send us comments or questions on our Child Nutrition Services and our wellness activities.  Our wellness policy is posted below for easy access.  Please let us know if you have any questions concerning policies or services.  WB completes an evaluation every three years on wellness compliance actions, to assess progress on chosen strategies, and determine areas of improvement.  We welcome your input on any of these areas within our wellness policy.  Thank You!
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